Blog posts tagged english

LLM with Ollama and similarity search with Qdrant, vector database

I have been interested in vector databases. Unlike a relational database, where data is organized into tables with rows and columns, in a vector database, data is represented as vectors in a high-dimensional space.

Construct robust workflows with using Go

When it comes to building complex, long-running workflows in Go, developers often face challenges in managing dependencies...

Authz: Authorization backend using ABAC and RBAC

Manage your resources, users, give them attributes or roles and manage the associated policies...

Dependency injection in Go with uber-go/fx

The issue of dependency injection in Go often arises on large projects as well as on microservices. In a recent exchange, we...

OpenTelemetry: Trace and instrument your application code

Originellement, deux projets open-source existaient pour permettre de mettre en place du tracing dans vos applications : OpenCensus et OpenTracing ...

Redis: Filter and sort your data in a SQL-like way using SORT

In this article, we will mainly focus on the Set and HSet types in order to see how we could filter and sort these data, as we would do with SQL.

Add automatic monitoring of your local applications with Monday

In case you know Monday, in my opinion there was one feature missing that I think is interesting for developers: to be able to access "monitoring" of their application directly locally...

How to create your own Terraform plugin provider

I started, for a professional project, to look at how Terraform plugins work so that I could create custom resources...

I wrote Gocache: a complete and extensible Go cache library

In the previous weeks, I wrote Gocache, an extensible and full of set cache library for Go developers...

How does Monday use Go and how does it work

More and more companies and therefore developers are working on micro-service applications...

Chaos engineering: the steps to achieve on your application

In recent years, the methods of hosting and application development (micro-services) have led us to rethink the way our applications communicate...

Handle file uploads using a GraphQL middleware

GraphQL is a very interesting implementation so that the fronts of your web applications communicate efficiently with your different backends...

Load testing: Gatling "Tips & Tricks"

When you work on a high-traffic application, or simply deploy a new application in production, you need to be able to identify the load your application and infrastructure are ready to absorb...

Audit a MySQL or MariaDB database

Just as you take care to monitor and keep your applications up to date, it is also important to take care of the engines that serve your data...

Improve SSL exchanges safety made by your web server

This score will allow you to have a better security when exchanging keys and information between your server...

Install, configure and automatically renew Let's Encrypt SSL certificate

This initiative is sponsored by the biggest Internet companies and browsers: Google (Chrome), Mozilla (Firefox), Akamai, Facebook...

Run a Symfony application using Docker and docker-compose

Why boot a full virtual machine when you can only run Docker containers of what you need to develop your Symfony applications?

How I moved my website from Django (Python) to Go

So this blog is now running under Gofast, a micro-framework I've wrote in order to learn the language...